Zenyth Pharma

Colon cleansing - Challenge Today

Feeling tired all the time? Your office job constrains you to a sedentary type of life? Do you have weight problems? Do you experience frequent intestinal transit problems and bloating? Your hair and skin have lost their brightness?

Do not search for solutions or answers elsewhere! You have reached the right place! ColonHelp is the solution to all these problems!

Colon detox – the first step to a healthy life!

We often pay a high price for the coziness of the comfortable modern lifestyle: our health. Lack of physical activity, always eating in a hurry, choosing the wrong type of food… Most of the time, our meals consist of highly processed food, ignoring rich fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, and integral cereals. ColonHelp naturally fills in the deficiencies of low fiber modern food. Without fiber and water, the toxins and metabolic residues in the colon cannot be evacuated. In exchange, they are being subjected to a long process of fermentation and decomposition and during that they are partially reabsorbed and recirculate. Unfortunately, we are unaware of how important the health of our intestines is. We ignore again and again the signals aour intoxicated colon sends: bloating, cramps, constipation, headaches, dull hair and skin, tiredness, overweigh…

Did you know that you can see an up to 80% improvement of your health and general well being doing a detox diet? It is not at all an exaggeration! Imagine that a detox diet improves the activity of the entire body by helping it to discharge the toxins. By undergoing a seasonal detox diet, you may see substantial improvements in disturbing conditions like:

  • Digestive problems (slow bowel transit, constipation, bloating and gases, irritable bowel syndrome, gastro-esophageal reflux disease, hemorrhoids, intestinal parasites);
  • Hepatic-biliary diseases;
  • Increased cholesterol;
  • Hyperglycemia;
  • Overweight;
  • Hemicranias;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Low immunity;
  • Skin diseases (acne, furuncle, eczemas).


To preserve and improve patient health by consistently delivering high quality , safe, affordable and effective Over The Counter (OTC) pharmaceutical products and service that meet or exceed customer expectation across the Bangladesh through Customer relationship management (CRM), extermination of cognitive dissonance, experienced work force.


We will be one of the most trusted, admired and successful trading companies in the country with a focus on good storage & delivery practice as well as marketing of Over The Counter (OTC) drugs through strengthening, creating partnerships and building presence across the country.


We are people with 0% tolerance for unethical conduct and 100% belief in systems, processes and compliance to our valued customer’s corporate human culture. We are people with passion for success and the obsession to win.